Consent Education: A Huge Win

One year after Chanel Contos launched her consent education petition — there has been unanimous commitment from all education ministers that school curriculums will implement ‘holistic and age appropriate consent education’ in Australian school curriculums from 2023

It’s Time For Change In The Mining Industry

“A systemic culture of bullying, unacceptably high levels of sexism and sexual harassment plaguing employees” – revelations from a Report into Workplace Culture at mining Corporation Rio Tinto.
Rio Tinto are now showing a commitment to transparency and appear to be taking action to strengthen their culture and eliminate bullying & harassment.


Relying on individual complaints has failed

This quote from the AHRC’s Respect@Work Inquiry report encapsulates the entire report. The reactive model of relying on individuals to make a complaint of sexual harassment has truly failed (and continues to do so).


One in three is one too many

One in three people (33%) said they experienced sexual harassment at work in the last five years (AHRC National Survey 2018).