Apply SmartCulture®

Creating happier workplaces

Pave the way for safer and more respectful workplace cultures with our premium training courses and strategy/consulting session options.

Built and facilitated by trusted and respected Australian experts,  global workplace evolution starts here!

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SmartCulture® Respect at work training

After 15 years of specialising in development of anti-bullying and harassment courses – including sexual harassment, we have trained tens of thousands of people across all industries. Built and facilitated by trusted and respected Australian experts, we know what works!

Our range of training options cover workplace bullying & harassment prevention, sexual harassment prevention, respect@work, workplace bystander & psychological safety.

The right knowledge creates the right solutions. Our premium courses are available face-to-face and virtually live.

Tailored to suit your organisation…

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What we do

Karen Maher and her team have been designing and developing training, strategy and consulting solutions for over 15 years. We are committed to transforming workplace cultures across the globe with our trademarked SmartCulture® solution – the key components of the solution being Safety, Measurability, Awareness, Respect & Teamwork.

By focusing on great leadership and prevention training with cutting-edge research, premium awareness programs, reviews and strategy sessions, we are able to enhance workplace cultures. We work with all levels from shop-floor to senior executive and board levels and have provided awareness programs to tens of thousands of people, worked with hundreds of organisations across almost every industry including elite sports, law firms, accounting, hospitality, construction, tech firms and most everything in between.

We work with you to get a full understanding of your training goals and requirements, concerns or issues you may have been facing.

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...Great workplace cultures are designed...




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