Respect@Work Positive Duty Training for Senior Leaders

FACE-TO-FACE/VIRTUAL LIVE – 1.5- 3.0 hours

SmartCulture® Respect@Work Positive Duty Program for Executives / Senior Leaders

With so much change in this space with the new Respect@Work changes, the new positive duty and the increased focus on workplace sexual harassment as a psychosocial WHS hazard, it’s time to overhaul the current approach in Australia from a reactive complaints-based model to the proactive preventative/response model.

The role of senior leaders is critical to making this happen, and education is the first essential step.

About this program

This practical and interactive 1.5-3 hour program covers all of the key areas for Senior Leaders on Respect@Work.  It includes a deep dive into understanding, responding to and preventing workplace sexual harassment, the critical link to work health and safety (WHS) and the new AHRC Guidelines to Comply with the Positive Duty.

The key objectives of this program are to provide your senior leaders with current and practical information, real-life case stories, strategies/tools to get everyone focused and pave the way for real cultural change.

FAQs, Topics Covered & Assessment

This program is up-to-date with recent research and cases from Australia and overseas, including information on the emerging role of bystander intervention. The program strongly focuses on prevention – as prevention is always better than cure.

Your facilitator

Founder of SmartCulture® Karen Maher, is the lead facilitator for this high-level program.

Karen Maher is a respected industry expert in this space and continues to partner closely with many organisations to transform cultures through awareness programs, strategy, coaching and consulting. Karen and our team will work with you to get a full understanding of your training goals and requirements, concerns or issues you may have been facing as an organisation so the program is effective. This is our point of difference.

With experience spanning more than 20 years, Karen has provided training to tens of thousands of people, sharing the insights she has derived from her cases as an employment/health and safety lawyer and consulting work to educate organisations in this space. Karen has worked with hundreds of workplace investigations, including workplace fatalities.

Passionate about making workplaces safer, happier, and more functional, Karen seems to work from an endless well of energy to do what she does, pursuing cutting-edge thinking and innovative strategies (through the SmartCulture® solution) for her clients.

Read more about Karen Maher & SmartCulture

    Enquire about this course

    Email your enquiries via our form below, click here to book a 15 minute information call or phone our office direct on 1300 649 220


    Fees Per 1.5-3hr Course
    Start at $6000 (+GST) Fees start at $6000 (+GST) per course. Fees will depend on course size numbers.

    Included in our fee is a
    Pre-Program Conference

    We speak with you to gain a proper understanding of your organisation,
    your training goals/risk areas, systems and processes.

    This provides us with critical insight and information to develop a program
    that aligns with your organisation and capability levels of your participants.

    Our programs are tailored
    to suit your business needs

    You’re in good company