
Bystander Training for Employees

Face-to-face / virtual live – 2.0 HOUR COURSE

SmartCulture® Workplace Bystander Training for employees

Following recommendations made by the Australian Human Rights Commission regarding the importance of active bystanders within its National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment at Work (March 2020). Workplace bystander training is key to shifting workplace cultures upwards in line with behavioural expectations.

This program focuses on how to be an active bystander in the workplace, providing employees with the knowledge, guidance and tools to respond appropriately. Now more than ever your employees need the right knowledge, because the right knowledge creates the right solutions.

About this course

This premium 2.0 hour foundation course was developed for employees by WHS + culture industry expert Karen Maher. We focus on the importance of raising awareness on WHY it is so important to be an active bystander. Provide safe strategies and practical guidance on WHAT to do if you see or hear poor behaviours at work and HOW to avoid them. We work with participants on interactive and tailored scenarios – where attendees must think on their feet and consider safe, supportive and appropriate responses under the circumstances.

The course is created in alignment with our SmartCulture® solution – developed based on years of research, cases and best practice in these key risk areas – with 5 components – safety, measurable, awareness, respect and team. We cover the tools and work with attendees on tailored scenarios to place attendees into ‘situations’ where they can put in to practice how to be an effective active bystander.

FAQs, Topics Covered & Assessment

The interactive 2.0 hour course covers all of the foundation information and practical guidance to drive positive and safe cultural change. Participants will learn what to do if you see or hear poor behaviours. It will raise awareness on why it is so important to be an active bystander, as participants learn 5 key bystander strategies through interactive learning.

About our facilitators

Karen Maher is our lead facilitator and heads up our training team of industry specialists. Karen has been specialising in the WHS + Culture space since 2003. Starting out as a lawyer then leaving the law to work with organisations to ‘get ahead of the game’ and prevent unsafe and poor workplace behaviours. 

Karen has worked on over 300 cases in Australia and the UK as either a lawyer, consultant or as an investigator, up to and including workplace fatalities. She has been developing training programs and strategy in this space for over 12 years, training all levels of organisations from shop floor to executive/board level. Karen is a respected and trusted industry professional and is also a keynote speaker. She has trained tens of thousands of people over her career within hundreds of organisations across Australia in almost every industry.

What people say they enjoy most is hearing our facilitator’s real-life case stories and insight, often with the effect of shifting their mindsets to be more respectful & safe at work. 

    Enquire about this course

    Email your enquiries via our form below, click here to book a 15 minute information call or phone our office direct on 1300 649 220


    Fees Per Course
    Start at $4000 (+GST) Fees start at $4000 (+GST) per course. Fees will depend on course size numbers.

    Included in our fee is a
    Pre-Program Conference

    We speak with you to gain a proper understanding of your organisation,
    your training goals/risk areas, systems and processes.

    This provides us with critical insight and information to develop a program
    that aligns with your organisation and capability levels of your participants.

    Our programs are tailored
    to suit your business needs

    You’re in good company