SmartCulture® founded in 2010.
About Us
Creating and maintaining a safe and respectful culture is not magic. It takes thought, commitment and planning.
Who we are
We specialise in four areas of workplace awareness training and consultancy:
Bullying & Harassment Prevention
Sexual Harassment Prevention (Respect@Work)
Workplace Bystander Intervention
Psychological Safety/Psychological Health & Safety
We provide respected and valuable insight and information through our training and consulting work to increase compliance, reduce risk and promote safer, happier and more productive workplaces. We place emphasis on the importance of great leadership, being proactive, risk-management and prevention.
“We work with you to get a full understanding of your training goals and requirements, concerns or issues you may have been facing”.
This is our point of difference.
Our founder
Karen Maher
Karen Maher is a respected industry expert in this space and continues to partner closely with many organisations to transform cultures through awareness programs, strategy, coaching and consulting. Karen and our team will work with you to get a full understanding of your training goals and requirements, concerns or issues you may have been facing as an organisation so the program is effective. This is our point of difference.
Her experience spans more than 20 years, dating to her start as an employment/health and safety lawyer in Australia and the UK.
She founded her own innovative consultancy in 2010, in time becoming an in-demand consultant, facilitator and speaker. Over her career, Karen has taken on over 300 cases and been involved in pioneering work in law, investigations, strategy/ advisory and process improvement.
Karen left the law to partner with organisations to ‘get ahead of the game’ and prevent workplace bullying and harassment, acknowledging that prevention is critical. To do this, she focuses heavily on the importance of being proactive; developing and implementing effective prevention strategies/awareness programs; taking a safety risk-management approach; and encouraging great leadership.
She has provided training to tens of thousands of people over her career, sharing the insights she has derived from her cases and consulting work to educate organisations in this space. Karen has worked with hundreds of workplace investigations, including workplace fatalities.
Passionate about making workplaces safer, happier, and more functional, Karen seems to work from an endless well of energy to do what she does, pursuing cutting-edge thinking and innovative strategies (through the SmartCulture® solution) for her clients.
Over the years, Karen has brought on board experienced lead and senior facilitators to SmartCulture. These facilitators share a similar background in employment/WHS law and HR, working with her to facilitate our programs with expertise and passion.
Our experience
Over 20 years
SmartCulture® has provided training to tens of thousands of participants. All of our facilitators have a strong practical experience in the HR and/or the WHS space.
We have the knowledge and insight to drive the important messages home within your organisation, and we enjoy doing it because we know it makes a difference.
We continue to consult in our areas of expertise and are often called upon to conduct workplace investigations and Inquiries into allegations of workplace bullying/harassment, sexual harassment and serious WHS incidents (up to and including workplace fatalities). Therefore, we understand and appreciate the real challenges and importance of encouraging a positive workplace culture. We believe that our ongoing practical experience in these important areas is essential to make sure our programs are relevant, updated and best practice.
We train and coach all levels and types of organisations (large and small) across Australia, from the National Rugby League (NRL) to Government sector (local/state/federal); private organisations (leading hospitality groups/clubs/arenas and venues; law firms; medical companies; insurance/financial services and health organisations); religious organisations; construction groups; mining; oil & gas; manufacturing; charitable organisations and education.
We are also experienced speakers and facilitators of our training programs for conferences and larger style events. Karen also delivers high-level keynotes at both industry, government and private conferences.
Our vision
Safety, Measurable, Awareness, Respect & Team
We are committed to transforming workplace cultures across the globe with our trademarked SmartCulture® solution – the key components of the solution being Safety, Measurable, Awareness, Respect & Team.
We enhance cultures focusing on great leadership and prevention with cutting-edge research, premium awareness programs, reviews and strategy sessions filled with real-life practical tools and knowledge.
A great workplace culture is inextricably linked to your organisation’s success. Poor workplace cultures can take a devastating toll on your people and your organisation. As we always say – A good culture is good business.
we walk our talk
Our Team Values
Our SmartCulture® values are at the core of how we roll as a team every day. Our great workplace culture is designed by us, for us.
Our small and mighty team take our values seriously and we make sure how we work together aligns with them. We care about each other, support each other and respect each other.