One in three is one too many

One in three is one too many

Sexual harassment in the workplace continues to be serious problem within many Australian workplaces. The Australian Human Rights Commission National Inquiry on Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces (March 2020) found that it is still everywhere, in every industry, at every level.

Sadly, one in three people (33%) said they experienced sexual harassment at work in the last five years (Australian Human Rights Commission 2018 National Survey).

Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated, where that reaction is reasonable in the circumstances.

Under the model WHS laws, a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) has a duty to manage the risk of sexual harassment just as you do for any other WHS risk.

Safe Work Australia have recently released a suite of materials including guidance materials, information sheets and infographics to help persons conducting a business or undertaking, such as employers and small businesses, understand what sexual harassment is and what their WHS duties are around sexual harassment.

If you need help or just don’t know where to start to implement a sexual harassment prevention strategy, get in contact to book a strategy call to discuss ideas and let’s put a plan together.

Source: Safe Work Australia

1 February 2022